In the beginning

Cast On began on Monday, 31 October, 2005, founded on nothing more than one woman’s desire to talk about knitting to people who get it. Over time, the podcast evolved to focus on finding inspiration in the ordinary, using it to kick start the process of making, and carving out the creative time and space that allows you to work your ass off on the projects that matter most to you. Like knitting a sweater. Or saving the world.

The first final episode of Cast on was released on 1 November, 2014. There may be a second final episode off in the future but, hopefully, not for a while.

Cast On lives here now. You’ll find shownotes for each new episode here, but the original website remains exactly as I left it, with all the pictures of my sweaters and dogs, shownotes, and comments from knitsibs, reflecting Cast On’s long history. If you’ve just started listening from the beginning, you’ll find a handy Audio Archive page on the site.


I’m a serial maker of podcasts, and many things that are not podcasts. I love playing with yarn, fibre and cloth. I will never accept that furniture in my living room only goes two ways. Almost every night, I dream about houses.


Can’t find Cast On in your usual media player? The new feed is here:

Copy and paste the URL into the media player you use, and all will be well. I promise.

it is good to be social


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  1. 12.18.20
    Joanna said:


  2. 3.11.22
    Maria said:

    I’ve just discovered that Cast On is back, and that makes me incredibly happy.
    I’ve listened to all the old ones twice, and can’t wait to hear all the new ones.
    Thank you, Brenda!