The dog snored, loudly, through most of this episode. There’s also some intermittent electronic interference because my phone was resting to close to the mic. I can’t really do much about the dog snoring, he’s too cute to scold, but the phone thing was a total cock up on my part. Mea culpa.
Highly recommended: the Craftsy class, Pattern Making + Design, taught by Suzy Furrer. (Edit: NOT recommended! The pants drafted using the method detailed in this class were a joke. I couldn’t bend my knees. Enough said?)
I’m still undecided on bind off for the canyon colours scarf, but the How-To for Jeny Staimen’s Interlock Bind Off is here.
You can read more about shou sugi ban (also known as yakasugi) here.

Eurovision is nigh! The easiest way to watch live is via, but you do need a VPN to do so.
Music in this podcast:
- Jim Fidler, Merrigan’s Reel
- The Dinah’s, Shai Lai Lai

If you like what you heard in this podcast, I hope you’ll consider becoming a Patron, or buying me a coffee.