Rest well, little buddy.
Cast On
In this episode: Off the needles and on; Tour de Fleece wrap up; notes from the production line; a new bag; a new spindle; good materials; and Bennet’s Boiled Potatoes.…
The slowest sock in the history of sock knitting. Touring de Fleece, slowly. The merits of taking small steps vaguely in the direction a goal. I’m thinking about style again,…
In this episode: House projects have broken me; the summer of socks continues; the red that bled; Tour de Fleece; and a return to Clifford Byway. The long shelf. I…
The weather. Men in shorts. The run down. Ta Da moments. And the moments before a plan comes together. The Red Edge is complete! The chart for Red Edge was…
In this episode: The party dress; picking up threads; a project round up; and the big idea. The High School Art Teacher Dress by Vogue (V1410) And my own version,…
IN THIS EPISODE: Stash enhancement; hat boxes of joy; the rug of sorrow; knitting memory lane, letting it go. Repeat after me: It is okay to rest. Thank you, past…
In this episode: Undone by Cosmo/Cosmo undone; colour blocking that didn’t; a summer romance; a bounty of beautiful sock yarn; packing projects for a journey with no end date; and…
In this episode: I have more projects on the needles at one time than EVER BEFORE. And I talk about all of them. If there is a podcast with more…
In this episode: The Great Airing of the Stash 2023; hibernating projects emerge, blinking, into the light; revisiting Paint Pan; Against all Odds’ and the Red Edge, plus a veritable…

I’m a serial maker of podcasts, and many things that are not podcasts. I love playing with yarn, fibre and cloth. I will never accept that furniture in my living room only goes two ways. Almost every night, I dream about houses.
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