155 Memento Mori

A listener let me know this week that the episode permalinks created by my hosting company, Libsyn, link to the old Cast On website, and not to the show notes here. I’m working with Libsyn to find a solution. Thanks for your patience, and on with the show!

A week where nothing much happens, and a new ironing board cover is cause for celebration. The beach figures prominently. And a suitcase. And bras, again. Trousers are on hold while I pursue the swimsuit of my dreams. Same old same old. Pretty much.

Pattern 253: Things From Your Life, A Pattern Language, by Christopher Alexander
In an uneventful week, I finished some socks.
A new ironing board cover is always a cause for celebration.

My latest bra is the Berkley, by Orange Lingerie. I’d show it to you, but I’m wearing it. It’s the most comfortable bra I’ve made so far, and it’s a perfect pattern for a beginner. (If you’re bra-curious, you can read my post, 5 reasons you should make a bra, to learn more.)

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a woman who lives five minutes from a beach, must be in want of a killer swimsuit. My perfect suit is a mashup of the Sophie and The Bombshell (of course), both by Closet Core, with the Boylston Bra pattern.

Music in this podcast:

If you like what you heard in this podcast, I hope you’ll consider becoming a Patron, or buying me a coffee.


I’m a serial maker of podcasts, and many things that are not podcasts. I love playing with yarn, fibre and cloth. I will never accept that furniture in my living room only goes two ways. Almost every night, I dream about houses.


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it is good to be social


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