Knitting for little people. I can knit a rainbow, but should I? A honkin’ huge ass box o’yarn. More about that amazing heel. Paint Pan Socks, again? Yes. (Shut up.) A foxy little knitting mash up. If it sounds like this one is all about knitting, that’s because it is. I really needed to talk about my knitting. What a relief.
Inspired by this woman, and this project to buy this yarn.

Shall it become the Sunshine Sweater (rav) by Tin Can Knits OR Reignbeaux, by YellyKnits?

Huge thanks to the beautiful Jasmin Canty, of Knitmore Girls Podcast, for allowing me to use her image.
Stoner. One of those great novels that stays with you for weeks afterwards. Beautiful. Tragic. Perfect.
Inadvertently channeling my inner Seussian with this week’s makes:

My mitten mashup contains The World’s Simplest Mittens and Fox Mittens. Ravelled here.
This great tool is very handy during a blackout. Bonus: Boob headlights!
Paint Pan resolved? Possibly? I’ll let you know after the gusset decreases. Highly recommended, if you do not hate afterthought heels with the fire of a thousand suns.
Thank you for listening. Go finish a hat.
Music in this episode:
- Jim Fidler, Merrigan’s Reel
- Cody Fry, From the Cold

If you like what you heard in this podcast, I hope you’ll consider becoming a Patron, or buying me a coffee.
I received this box of yarn from my husband when I sent him the link with a hint. It was a stolen dream from a friend. The next year he gave me the same box, like the desk set in Dead Poets Society. I am making a polygon blanket (Tin Can Knits) and one colour makes one little starfish block
That’s a great use for this box of yarn!
I enjoyed using Sheepjes yarn for a cardigan for my grandniece. Pattern is called Georgie by Mary Lou Egan.
Happy knitting!
That sweater is ADORABLE. Adding it to my favourites!
I am wondering about the modified square heel. Is that available in a pattern yet at this point?
Ah, Finishing the Hat. Also a favorite of mine. I just love to make hats.
Thanks for podcasting!
The instructions for the heel are not quite available yet. They’re getting close though… I promise I’ll let you know when they’re up!
Hi Brenda,
Glad to hear you are less COVIDy.
Can you please post a link to the nifty Jenny’s heel?
Jeny is working on a blog post about the new heel. Shouldn’t be long now. I’ll keep you posted!