
142 Working the Ropeline

Halmstad, my knitsibs. This sweater architecture UNVENTION that changes all things stranded. Our back-of-the-packet recipe for snow day soup is Kowalski’s Turkey and Wild Rice. (It’s just as tasty with…

140 Wednesday to Wednesday

Rough week. Watching democracy almost die makes me cranky. There was a clear choice between donning the pants of crazy, OR hunkering down and making stuff. I chose the latter.…

139 Prose into Poetry

A jam packed and fun filled episode, featuring a shave horse, dressmaking, a really cool bag, the Novus Jacket, iteration, and One Hundred Acts of Sewing, with Sonya Phillip.

136 The Why and the How

Kicking off the first episode of Series 14, Mothers of Unvention, with conversations about the process of design, beginning with using constructive discontent to identify a problem, and the deep…

135 The Many Brendas

My quilt-in-progress, the collection of 1970’s pillowcases, and 6.5 inch squares is growing. If you like quilts and don’t yet know about the eye-candy that is r/quilting, get thee to…

134 You Are Here

We’re talking about space. Not space – the final frontier. The other space. The space we inhabit. The space where we store things. The space we’re allowed. The space in…


I’m a serial maker of podcasts, and many things that are not podcasts. I love playing with yarn, fibre and cloth. I will never accept that furniture in my living room only goes two ways. Almost every night, I dream about houses.


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