
153 I, Curator

Rats, Riverview, and the Red Edge. Plus, we are all hipsters now. Sorry. There’s a good description of the Iceland Bind Off here. The GIF at the bottom of the…

152 The Brief

The dog snored, loudly, through most of this episode. There’s also some intermittent electronic interference because my phone was resting to close to the mic. I can’t really do much…

151 Palais Ideal

Envision the work. Collect the materials. Commit to the plan. Make. That’s how you build a palace. That’s how knit happens. The Riverfront Scarf and my Canyonlands WIP Pattern Cutting…

150 Nine Heads

Winter clothes move to off-season storage, and spring clothing moves in; bricolage informs the deconstruction of the Red Edge; and an interview with My Body Model founder, Erica Schmitz. The…

148 The Sandbox

I used a pattern by Etsy seller, WilloWynn, to make Buttons, the bunny, and her wardrobe. The trouser block drafting comparison video, by Sage Foley, is very good. Her channel…

147 Femme Dandy

I’m pulling my Capsule Wardrobe inspiration together using the StyleBook app. The Toast trousers I like are here and here. (Love the way the front dart is hidden by the…

146 Fran and Oscar

Sartorial style. What is it, who owns it, and can I get some? Also, my socks are cursed. Plus a visit with Mother of Unvention, JC Briar, the designer and…


I’m a serial maker of podcasts, and many things that are not podcasts. I love playing with yarn, fibre and cloth. I will never accept that furniture in my living room only goes two ways. Almost every night, I dream about houses.


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