181 Big wheel keep on turning

In this episode, summer rain, and the last of the summer socks; the return of things from our life; baking chocolate cookies; and more glorious stranded colourwork from Knitsonik and Friends, (aka my friend, Felix.)

You probably have everything you need on hand to make these, grandkid tested and approved Chocolate Crinkle cookies.

The last of the summer socks are finished for the year. They don’t suck, despite my having borked the lace pattern. I am pretty certain I make these toe-up. Less certain about whether I actually want to.

The Herring wheel in all its mid-century modern glory! Ain’t she a beaut?

Frank Herring and Sons still exists, and still sells spinning wheels (amonst many other things), it just no longer makes them.

Huge congratulations to my friend, Felix, on the publication of yet another stunning book!

Buy the KNITSONIK & Friends: Colour to Knit book here.

Find the KNITSONIK Knit Stitch Template here.

Follow designers on Instagram (and cover them in hearts!). From left, Patricia @judithjayne, Nolwenn @twoleftfeetandnoeyes, and Bev @faircityknits. Felix can be found at Knitsonik.com.

You can download Dyslexie Typeface here for free.

Music in this episode:

If you like what you heard in this podcast, I hope you’ll consider becoming a Patron, or buying me a coffee.


I’m a serial maker of podcasts, and many things that are not podcasts. I love playing with yarn, fibre and cloth. I will never accept that furniture in my living room only goes two ways. Almost every night, I dream about houses.


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  1. 9.16.22
    Jess said:

    HOW DID I MISS THE RETURN OF CASTON FOR LITERAL YEARS??? I’m calling in to work! I’m making some tea! I’m not leaving my yoga pants until I’m caught up!

    Ok, not really, but I am incredibly glad to have this back in my life.

  2. 9.21.22
    Laia said:

    That wheel is a mcm design masterpiece!! A sculptural work of art in its own right. I’ll admit to being a tiny bit envious of your score with this wheel.