199 The system

The slowest sock in the history of sock knitting. Touring de Fleece, slowly. The merits of taking small steps vaguely in the direction a goal. I’m thinking about style again, and looking for systems. The dining room during the renovation, and after the application of Farrow & Ball “Eddy. We…

198 Picking up the threads

In this episode: House projects have broken me; the summer of socks continues; the red that bled; Tour de Fleece; and a return to Clifford Byway.  The long shelf. I did it. Next time, I’m getting a little man in. Zabava Socks – These fit very well, and work up…


I’m a serial maker of podcasts, and many things that are not podcasts. I love playing with yarn, fibre and cloth. I will never accept that furniture in my living room only goes two ways. Almost every night, I dream about houses.


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197 Gradual stiffening

The weather. Men in shorts. The run down. Ta Da moments. And the moments before a plan comes together. The Red Edge is complete! The chart for Red Edge was…

194 What I did last summer

In this episode: Undone by Cosmo/Cosmo undone; colour blocking that didn’t; a summer romance; a bounty of beautiful sock yarn; packing projects for a journey with no end date; and…